150,000 People Will Die Today

'Way of the Master' Transformed Conference

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Living Waters Ministries

Free ~ 30 booklets of the Gospel of John

Hello, my name is Steven Henry and in case you didn't already know about it, the site below allows you to sign up for free and get 30 booklets of the Book of John for free. They are great for handing out to people. I just present that for your consideration. ~ your friend and a servant of Christ, Steven : ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pocket Testament League

Monday, November 12

It's an exciting adventure!

Hello GNN team and fellow soul-winners, 11-02-07

Wow! Last Friday evening was really exciting! There were a lot of interesting conversations and the little we did hear from the other groups was really encouraging too!

This week, we were joined by Joann and John and Ristela and our friends from the Metro, and Kayla tells more about that in her update later on in this email…

(David’s brief note)
Last Friday I saw a group of 5 or 6 guys walking down the street and I walked alongside them and started a survey with anyone who had spiritual beliefs. One guy, Alex, said he was Bahia. I think he saw his spiritual theory fell apart the more he said. Then I found out that he went to a Christian school as a kid. From there, we shifted to the Ten Commandments, and the more we reviewed God’s Law, the faster he walked. His religion went into a backslide with a guilty conscience.

My sister-in-law recently gave us some of Pastor Chuck Missler’s CDs and WOW! He explains the mathematical structure of God’s Word. We have 3- CD set that we intend to make available to the team sometime soon. Steven’s CD burner had a disk shatter inside his burner and we hope to get that up and running again sometime this coming week.

(Barbara’s update)
Joanne and I (Barbara) dropped in at the Subway shop near our corner of Central and Orange and we met Bradley, who works there. He just moved down here and is staying with his dad while he goes to college. I gave him one of the “101 One Liner” tracts and asked if he had any spiritual beliefs. He said oh yes, he believed in Jesus, but hasn’t found a church down here to go to. I recommended Metro Life. I told him I cared for him like a mom and I wanted to warn him that he working at a place right in the middle of sin and party world. And I’ve found when people stay too long around such things they become numb to it and even start checking it out. He said He didn’t want to go to any of the bars, but would think about what I said. I told him there are even many down here that believe they are saved and now they can do what ever they want, they’re sins are taken care of. But Jesus said many will come to me and say, Lord, Lord, did I not do this and that for you…… and Jesus will say, Depart from me you worker of iniquity I never knew you. If someone really is a child of God then they have repented of their sins, that means turned from them and turned toward God. Because if we aren’t getting closer to God we are getting farther away from Him and we may not even realize it. So I suggested to Bradley that he strive to learn more about God and get involved in a church where he would have accountability and get into God’s Word daily.

He said he really enjoyed talking to us and would love to chat some more. I told him there are lots of us down here for the soul purpose of handing out tracts with hopes of chatting and leading or encouraging people to get closer to God.

(Steven’s update)
Chris K. and I (Steven) hung around home base (where our flipchart and tracts are) and we had some interesting interactions with different people. Brian and Allura were able to bring the portable PA system, so that was our first chance to try that out. It was actually quite interesting to see the people curious as we would lead people through the ‘Intelligence Test’. Chris and I had a teamwork going where after we took them through the ‘Intelligence Test’ and interacted with them, he would hand them a ‘101 funniest one-liners’ tract and thanked them for stopping and talking with us… I think the funniest part to me was the group of people that would stop by and listen briefly while we were going through the intelligence test! Anyway, it was a start and I have been working on ideas on how to use it more effectively, like transitioning from the flipchart to then pointing out how we can’t trust our senses because they can fool us, and then go to the good person test… working on thoughts and I look forward to continuing to learn how to use this tool effectively too!

One other really cool conversation Chris K. and I (Steven) had was with like 4 teenagers who were downtown, apparently for the bands… Anyway, we got into a pretty cool conversation with these 4 guys. I started by handing them each of them the smart card tracts, and a couple of them took the test, and I took it with them… it was pretty fun! Then I briefly took them through the 10 commandments, but they kept interrupting me and reminding me that Jesus has forgiven us, and so I asked them some questions, and they explained the gospel pretty well – which was pretty cool coming from some youths! Then I took them through some of Jesus’ words that remind us that there are going to be many who will one day call Jesus, Lord, Lord, and will be turned away because their life showed they didn’t follow Jesus. We talked about that some more and also about how no hypocrite will get into Heaven – not those who sin and confess it, but those who say they are following Christ but deny Him in their actions and put a majority of their focus and energy in something other than their relationship with Him. So, we had a great conversation and I encouraged them to check out the website on the back of the smart card and
www.wayofthemaster.com. They really appreciated that, and they probably would have talked longer, but they had to get back to their car and the parking meter! J I’m praying that God continues to challenge them to follow Him with more passion ~ how exciting!

(Paul’s update)
There is so much to say about this last Friday! It was probably one of the most encouraging and emboldening nights we've had as a team. It was our first time joining the group at the Graham's house, which is where the Metro Life Church group meets for Bible study and prayer and worship before they come down and join us on the streets. Our topic was mainly about the fear of the Lord, which is one of our favorite topics, because it is such an essential truth for having a relationship with our heavenly Father, and yet the churches seem to have mostly replaced this truth for a more comfortable and relaxed approach to fellowship with God. We had a great discussion that I'm sure caused all of us to be more aware of how much our Holy God is angry toward sin and rebellion, and I believe it challenged some of us to be more bold in rescuing lost souls from all of the lies they are told about God.

I personally tend to be a little reluctant sometimes to inform people of God's wrath on them because of their rebellion. But during that Bible study I realized that sinners are aware of God's anger toward sin in the back of their mind; so when we dodge the subject, they know that something is missing. Sinners know that they are only pretending when they assume that they must be getting away with their sin. Also, God's anger at sin is a proof that God loves us, otherwise He would have to not care what happens to us.

All right, now I have to share one story with you all. I teamed up with Brittany and Daniel and Caleb. There was a different feeling downtown that night, because there were a lot of young people like high-school and young college age, which is not typical. So my three friends told me that they were relying on me to start up conversations, so I immediately started working on ideas. There were a couple of bands playing down there somewhere, which is apparently what attracted the young crowd. One of the main ideas I used for starting conversation was to ask if there was a concert going on somewhere. That started a couple of brief and very strange conversations. At one point, after we had a few strange conversations, the four of us were left standing there trying to figure out where to go next. So Daniel suggested that we go find Rich (Brittany’s dad), since he would be able to help us get conversations going. So we paused right there, and we asked ourselves why we would we need Rich, since we have the same Holy Spirit with us. So we agreed that God can help us to do the same thing and that God wants to build our faith so that He can use us in great ways too!

Shortly after that, we had the best conversation of the night when we walked up to a group of six to eight people and handed a few of them some '101 Funniest One-liners'. Their first comments were about skydiving because of the picture on the front, and then they started wondering if it was something religious. And then the conversation totally changed when one of the ladies noticed my shirt. The shirt I was wearing says, 'body piercing saved my life' and it has two hands on the back with nail holes in them. So she asked me what that meant and off we went into a conversation about God and sin and how to get to heaven. Then her friend, Diane comes over and interrupts me, wanting to know what I'm pushing on her friend. So I talked with Diane while Daniel and Brittany talked to the first woman. Diane so appreciated our conversation that she kept hugging me. I challenged her views with God's Word and encouraged her to keep going toward God. At the end another young friend of theirs came over and said he really respected what we were doing and really appreciated that we cared so much, but he had some objection. I forget what it was, but he really appreciated my response to his objection and he thanked me for talking with them and he gave me a hug and shook my hand as they left. It was interesting, that was for sure. Oh, by the way, all of that took place directly in front of an entrance to one of the clubs with several workers from that club standing right there watching the whole thing. I could tell afterward that they found it to be very interesting!

I wish I had time to share more, we also had a really good conversation with John who is a hotel owner down there that we've talked to before! We had a great night! We were all greatly encouraged!


One little note: the four of us are trying to do a new strategy: if you are driving us at home base and you’re all by yourself to go look for a parking spot, please stop by our corner long enough to get one of our attention, so one of us can hop in your car and join you as an escort. We have seen a couple of times where some of our team like extra security. We have not heard of any stories from our team that had any security problems, but caution is a good idea.

> Special announcement and looking for volunteers:
Barbara, Steven, and Paul are working on doing some worship music and street-preaching the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, but we need volunteers to sing with us! So, we would like to have some people join us to sing like 4 songs, and we would like to hear back from you as soon as possible so we can plan a brief practice time with those of you who can join us. We are also looking for 2+ volunteers to street-preach right after the music. If you’re curious, just email us and we can explain it in a little more detail.

Below is an encouraging update from Kayla from last Friday [written the next morning I think… : )]

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for how to reach Hindus? Allura (Metro friend) has someone she is trying to witness to and is looking for an effective strategy. We did find the ‘Way of the Master’ Evidence Bible link on Hinduism:
http://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingtool/hinduism.shtml... Thank you in advance for your help and prayers for Rima.

We look forward to seeing what God will do this week! We plan to be on the 7th floor of $5 parking garage from around 8:30 until around 9:10ish, and then we plan to be on the streets.

Thank you to each of you who are able to join us and to those who pray and even have others pray for this ministry ~ thank you!

Your friends and fellow laborers,
David, Barbara, Steven and Paul

(Kayla’s brief note)
It's 9:25 am saturday morning. And as my body is aching from a long night, my mind is fully awake, mullying over and over the wonderful things that occured only just a few short hours ago. Being so fresh on my mind (now that I'm more fully awake) I invite you to ..circle around and come and listen to what our Great King has done.

As any good story starts, we must begin with the obvious- the beginning. It began at 8 pm at the grahams house. One by one people trickled in, to enjoy the fellowship and ready to listen to God's word and worship. This week we were joined by GNN's very own Henry's, which we were so very delighted to see! Rich led us in 2 Corinthians 5: 11-21 and we began to discuss the questions he had prepared- we were able only though talk about the first one-1) What motivated Paul to preach the gospel ? The fear of the Lord became our discussion. How do we fear the Lord, and how we are taught to fear GOD and not man, for God is the one who has the power to send our bodies into hell, man can only kill us. Fear was something so prevelavent in the mind of our culture since we are on the tailend of Halloween. How man has made such a mess of fear!

Rich had a good quote saying "If we fear anything in the universe other than GOD, we are deceived." We also began to talk about how the Love of Christ compels us to preach and share. Sometimes we are motivated by pure obediance to the great commission but how we long for sharing because we are so sparked and enamored by the LOVE of Christ, we cannot help but to preach. May God continue to awaken in our hearts this desire.

With that on our minds, Scott lead us in the song "In the presence of a Holy God" (by mark altrogge)..
In the presence of a Holy God
There's new meaning now to Grace
You took all my sins upon yourself
I can only stand amazed

In the presence of your infinite might
Im so small and frail and weak
When I see your power and wisdom Lord
I have no words left to speak
In the presence of your glory
All my crowns lie in the dust
You are righteous in your judgements Lord
You are faithful true and just

And I cry Holy Holy Holy God
How awesome in your name
Holy Holy Holy God
How majestic is your reign
And I am changed
In the presence of a Holy God

The night waned later, and the call to embark on our mission was more prevelant, so we said a closing prayer and then drove into the night.

Prayer was the first step of our journey we we close the doors of the van. Right under the omnious ceiling and echo of the parking garage we prayed, that God would open up the doors and to prepare the way so with our pockets laden with tracts we walked together down the steps into the chill of the night, and continued till we found the "base station"- the corner of orange and centeral. We then split into groups and walking with rich, scott, becky, and michelle really began the adventure. We veered off the "beaten path" to a street I was unfamilar with, and we began to pass out tracks and to talk. One of the first gentlemen who spoke with us was named Joshua-who was quite a character (we will probably never foget him!). He was eager to talk about loving God but resistant to knowing Jesus as the only way to heaven and making that committment. Joshua was energetic and well...friendly. In a sense our conversation (which seemed to draw ALL of us into it) at pointed turned a little heated but he was so well ..jolly..to talk to us all that smiles insued at the end. He was a skater who had been around alot of different places and wanted to teach kids how to skate, and to love God- we will pray for Joshua that his vibrant passion he has for the things he wants to do will be arrested by the love of Jesus- And OH what a man he will be in Christ!

It seemed however our group of people were blocking a store front, which we were rather given a hard time by the lady who worked there. Even though it was clear her heart was resistant to what was going on, God is good and allowing the conversations to take place at her store front, planting seeds.

Joe was a man, scott stared discussioning with (who was watching the conversation between joshua and us) and really began to hungrily open up to scott. As well as another man who was listening who joined in.

Then michelle stated to talk with patrick (also known as demonta) by giving him a million dollar bill tract (which he often commented on that he thought it was counterfeit money) while rich and scott talked with a magician. Patick demonta was so willing to talk with us (as well as his friend Marion). He really trusted Michelle when she was able to share her testimony..he told us he really respected that. However he alluded the question "will you know where you are going when you die..are you prepared to die" - at one point we theoretically asked him "what if a car came up right now and hit us while we are standing on this curb...would you be prepared to die?" At this point he started freaking out, thinking we were apart of the cult. Scott asked him told him we weren't apart of the cult we were just trying to prepare him for inevitbale and patrick said "Man you are young..don't be focusing on dying..be focused on living man..go to school and live life..ya'll to young to be thinking about dying man.." We just had to smile..Patrick was quite a joy to talk to, and we were able to meet one of his friends that we came to know her as "the little christian lady" who was also trying to talk to partrick (praise the Lord for her!!!). We also met Patrick's fiance Chi-Chi who was soooo open to the gospel and willing to hear, and take in what we were saying..she took the piper books that patrick had initially taken but had given back to us. She was convicted of sin through and our discussion and felt unworthy that that could be apart of a church for some of the sins she had committed in the past. She also confided in her us that she had signed a card when she was young and involved in church saying she was saved- but showing her what God says that not every one who says "lord lord" will be saved. What a great testimony we were able to share of how God uses the church, not that we are saved by going to church but it is God's tool to help Christians grow and learn about himself with other believers. She at one point looked over at patrick and said "honey I'm thinking about going to church" and he had this look of absolute horror:) Oh pray that Chi- Chi would come!! What a divine appointment we had with her, and we even told her that God had sent us to talk to her, (although she didn't quite believe us)- pray God continues to soften her heart as we can see the work he has already prepared in her!!!

We pray that God continues to finish what he has begun, because only by his power has he lead us, and guide us and moved on their hearts and he will continue what he has begun! By his grace and grace alone we stand.

And so my story ends, of God's mercy and hand. The story of our great king is advancing on the street of orlando, and he is building his church. And for just split seconds in time he allows us to be used in the advancement of his work..how undeserving we are. But what a great God we serve!


As a child of God, the spirit's a fire in your bones. The Lord Jesus calls a compeling force, a mighty stregnth within you, yelling, pushing, fighting, as a raging animal to be let out of it's cage, a great dynamic fire of mercy to be released from the chains of the body. The yearnings of the gospel calls us to speak, to be released never stopping it's pursuit until every ear, every heart has been pierced with it's saving sword. Indeed this is the heart of our Savior, that everyone should hear the sweet music of his name. The word is indeed a consuming fire, eating away at the very depths of our souls ,if we hold it in. Opening our mouths allows a cascading of mercy and love like a rushing waterfall to befall on sinners's ears. We must indeed open our mouths to speak, as our Savior commands or the sharpened sword within will soon become a dead weed in our lethagic hearts.

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