Hey fellow ambassadors and prayer partners ~ : )
It has been a crazy several weeks! Very busy and full of ministry opportunities! ~ : ) Some stories below, but first we wanted to let you know about some unique tracts that we just found out about!
We just received a shipment of Mark Cahill’s tracts today and the ‘True Repentance’ tracts, and we have already ordered the ‘One Million Ameros’ tracts.
Mark Cahill’s One Heartbeat Away tract:
It has been a crazy several weeks! Very busy and full of ministry opportunities! ~ : ) Some stories below, but first we wanted to let you know about some unique tracts that we just found out about!
We just received a shipment of Mark Cahill’s tracts today and the ‘True Repentance’ tracts, and we have already ordered the ‘One Million Ameros’ tracts.
Mark Cahill’s One Heartbeat Away tract:
Custom Tracts’ note about this tract:
‘Recently, Mark Cahill contacted us (Custom Tracts) about making a Gospel tract to direct people to a new website of his which allows lost people to request a FREE copy of Mark's book One Heartbeat Away. Working together, this tract is what we came up with! This is slightly bigger than our mini-post card tract, but slightly smaller than our standard post card tract. The size is a pocket-friendly 3.5"x5". These should be *very* easy to hand out!’

Words on back:
‘Beep...beep...beep... The sound of a heart monitor somewhere in the distance comes into focus as you slowly return to consciousness. Your sides hurt tremendously and you can’t feel your legs. As you wonder where you are, you hear muffled voices that sound like doctors. Beep...beep...beep... The heart monitor continues beeping, letting the doctors know that you’re alive... at least for the moment. You vaguely recall what happened—you were driving around a curve when out of nowhere came the flash of headlights headed directly toward you. You remember screaming, and the piercing crunch of metal, and then... nothing. You can’t remember a thing since then. Now you’re wondering if you’ll ever make it out. The heart monitor suddenly speeds up—Beep! Beep! Beep! You hear the doctors rushing around barking orders. You feel frightened and wonder what’s happening. You try to open your eyes to look around, but it’s no use. You’re paralyzed there in your hospital bed and can’t do anything about it. You start to think that this may be IT. You start to panic. You begin to wonder what’s next: Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Have you done enough good to get to heaven? Your life flashes before your eyes. What about all those lies you’ve told? If there’s a God, will He just forget about them? And what about those items you’ve stolen? They weren’t big things, but it still makes you a thief, right? What if God even knows your thought life? What about all those times you’ve looked with lust, and used His name as a curse word? Will God hold you accountable? Your heart is beating faster. Beep-beep-beep. Where will you end up? What can you say before God? Your lungs begin to hurt. It’s getting hard to breathe. You know this is it. Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep....... One last beat. Little did you know you were One Heartbeat Away from passing into eternity... Every second, two people die. What if this is YOUR second? What should you do? Find out what’s in eternity—get a FREE copy of the book One Heartbeat Away at (http://www.oneheartbeataway.org/)’
You can order these at: http://www.customtractsource.com/One-Heartbeat-Away-Tract_p_0-211.html & http://www.customtractsource.com/
The NAU ~ $1,000,000 bill:
Ø With Titus 2:11-14 concealed on the front – very interesting verses!
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.”
‘Beep...beep...beep... The sound of a heart monitor somewhere in the distance comes into focus as you slowly return to consciousness. Your sides hurt tremendously and you can’t feel your legs. As you wonder where you are, you hear muffled voices that sound like doctors. Beep...beep...beep... The heart monitor continues beeping, letting the doctors know that you’re alive... at least for the moment. You vaguely recall what happened—you were driving around a curve when out of nowhere came the flash of headlights headed directly toward you. You remember screaming, and the piercing crunch of metal, and then... nothing. You can’t remember a thing since then. Now you’re wondering if you’ll ever make it out. The heart monitor suddenly speeds up—Beep! Beep! Beep! You hear the doctors rushing around barking orders. You feel frightened and wonder what’s happening. You try to open your eyes to look around, but it’s no use. You’re paralyzed there in your hospital bed and can’t do anything about it. You start to think that this may be IT. You start to panic. You begin to wonder what’s next: Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Have you done enough good to get to heaven? Your life flashes before your eyes. What about all those lies you’ve told? If there’s a God, will He just forget about them? And what about those items you’ve stolen? They weren’t big things, but it still makes you a thief, right? What if God even knows your thought life? What about all those times you’ve looked with lust, and used His name as a curse word? Will God hold you accountable? Your heart is beating faster. Beep-beep-beep. Where will you end up? What can you say before God? Your lungs begin to hurt. It’s getting hard to breathe. You know this is it. Beep-beep-beeeeeeeeep....... One last beat. Little did you know you were One Heartbeat Away from passing into eternity... Every second, two people die. What if this is YOUR second? What should you do? Find out what’s in eternity—get a FREE copy of the book One Heartbeat Away at (http://www.oneheartbeataway.org/)’
You can order these at: http://www.customtractsource.com/One-Heartbeat-Away-Tract_p_0-211.html & http://www.customtractsource.com/
The NAU ~ $1,000,000 bill:
Ø With Titus 2:11-14 concealed on the front – very interesting verses!
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.”

Words on back:
‘One Million Ameros?! What’s an Amero?! It is the proposed currency for the new “North American Union” between Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. The Amero has been designed to replace the Mexican Peso, the American Dollar and the Canadian Dollar. Just like Europe now has the Euro, North America is bound to have the Amero eventually. In fact, the Mexico to Canada Highway which slices like a dagger through the middle of America is already being constructed. Looks like “One Nation Under God” will be no more. Speaking of God, did you know that the Bible says that we will ALL have to stand before Him to be judged for every thought, word and deed? How will you do on Judgment Day? To find out, all you have to do is take a look at the Ten Commandments. They are like a mirror. A mirror shows us the truth whether we like it or not. The Ten Commandments are the same way. #9 says, “Thou shalt not lie.” Have you ever lied before? #8 says, “Thou shalt not steal.” Have you ever stolen before (size and value are irrelevant)? #3 says, “Thou shalt not take my name in vain.” Have you ever taken God’s name in vain before? #7 says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” BUT, Jesus said that looking at someone with lustful thoughts is the same as adultery in God’s eyes (Matthew 5:28). Have you ever looked with lust before? If you have broken just these four of the Ten Commandments, you are a liar, a thief, a blasphemer and an adulterer. Because you have broken God’s Law, you deserve to be punished. That punishment is Hell, should you stay in your sins. The Good News is that Jesus died on the cross for you and then rose from the grave. And because of what He did, you can be Pardoned of your sins, Reconciled to God so you can have a relationship with Him, Empowered to live a Holy Life and be Granted Eternal Life in the end. You must Repent of your sins (confess and forsake them) and put your Faith in Jesus Christ. Friend, you WILL die someday and that day could be today! Won’t you consider your eternity? http://www.onemillionameros.com/’
Link: http://www.gospeltract.org/amero.html & http://www.pinpointevangelism.com/
Now for some updates!:
(Steven’s update)
Two of the past several weeks, we had the opportunities to go soul-winning with a couple of different teams, so we took advantage of that, but it meant we got home too late to keep you all up to date on the soul-winning stories, though we hope and pray that God has been using you all too!
Two Thursday evenings ago, we got to lead a group of newer soul-winners and share the gospel together and encourage one another ~ that was a blast! My friend and I got to talk to a quasi-atheist and then a Jewish girl (Sarah) and her 4 lesbian friends… very interesting conversations… got to plant seeds and pray for them.
Two Friday evenings ago, the Florida Music Festival was downtown Orlando, and that allowed for some very interesting conversations! We realized later that the majority of the people down there were already focused on God (or at least some version of spirituality) and so that made things easier in that they were already on the subject of eternity ~ : ). Brittany and I had a number of good conversations. We talked with a few artists at the festival and gave them some gospel tracts. They seemed to be somewhat interested in the conversation, but they were more interested in doing what they wanted to do, but we got to plant some spiritual seeds ~ : ). Then there was the very interesting conversation with a girl outside another bar. She is 22 and she has a life-threatening disease that will likely kill her before she turns 30, and she was in effect wanting to know why? Why the pain? Why diseases? She was also very interested in hearing our thoughts and our understanding of God’s Living Word. She would have probably talked longer, but her dad got her out of our conversation. We did get to show her that God still cares about her and challenge her that she needs to surrender her life to Jesus Christ. We can only pray for her and trust that God is working in her heart.
Last Friday evening was unusual too, but it was very good! It lightly sprinkled the whole evening, but Deanna had an umbrella and the rest of us had jackets, so that worked well. But the conversations were really neat! Deanna and I (Steven) talked with one guy and he wanted to blame God for His decisions, but at the end of the conversation seemed to be convicted and thinking, which is great. We’re praying for Him. Those are just a few of the stories.
Again – to everyone who prays for us: THANK YOU! Only in Heaven will we find out how God used our prayers and obedience to Him!
(Paul’s update)
I've got several great stories I wish I could share with you, but I've got to tell you about what happened today at work! I was sent on a service call this afternoon to wire up a microwave. So I arrived and got to work, and it wasn't until the end of the project that I found out why I was really there! :) The customer was a single middle-age woman, who is dealing with a number of health challenges and incompetent doctors and also a number of problems in her house - power failure (which Progress Energy was fixing while I was there) and water damage in the kitchen and general disorder of things in her house, etc. So at the end of my time there as I was getting ready to leave, she gave me some really nice compliments on my work and my manner and my family (Henry Electric). So I told her what I normally say when people compliment my work - that we are a Christian family and that we do our work to honor God. She told me that she already could tell that! I already knew she was a Christian as well from her conversation on the phone with a friend earlier, so I was just waiting for this conversation to happen!
So we talked a little about her situation, and in the next few minutes of conversation, God gave me three things from His Word to share with her that really encouraged her. 1) Trust God and allow him to teach you through the difficult trials; 2) Perfect love casts out all fear, so as you pursue the love of God more deeply, it will drive out your fears; 3) She goes to a church that really focuses on emotion and asking for the Holy Spirit as the solution to problems, so I pointed out that you don't get more or less of the Holy Spirit by asking for it, but the more you get rid of barriers in communication with God and ask God in faith for what you need, you receive answers to that. These things made really, really good sense to her, and she really appreciated them. I really wanted to also warn her that her TV was a hindrance to her because it clearly was, but I couldn't figure out how to say it, so I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict her of her sin. But I was thrilled at how encouraged she was! She gave me a hug and told me how God had sent me and one other person in the last couple of days to encourage her on those things, so she would be able to keep going! As I walked out the door, she said that God had blessed her through me today, so I was glad for that!
Thank you again for your prayers. We are praying that God keeps using and training each of you!
Your friends, fellow prayer partners and laborers in the harvest,
David and Barbara, Steven and Paul ~ The Henry Family
‘One Million Ameros?! What’s an Amero?! It is the proposed currency for the new “North American Union” between Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. The Amero has been designed to replace the Mexican Peso, the American Dollar and the Canadian Dollar. Just like Europe now has the Euro, North America is bound to have the Amero eventually. In fact, the Mexico to Canada Highway which slices like a dagger through the middle of America is already being constructed. Looks like “One Nation Under God” will be no more. Speaking of God, did you know that the Bible says that we will ALL have to stand before Him to be judged for every thought, word and deed? How will you do on Judgment Day? To find out, all you have to do is take a look at the Ten Commandments. They are like a mirror. A mirror shows us the truth whether we like it or not. The Ten Commandments are the same way. #9 says, “Thou shalt not lie.” Have you ever lied before? #8 says, “Thou shalt not steal.” Have you ever stolen before (size and value are irrelevant)? #3 says, “Thou shalt not take my name in vain.” Have you ever taken God’s name in vain before? #7 says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” BUT, Jesus said that looking at someone with lustful thoughts is the same as adultery in God’s eyes (Matthew 5:28). Have you ever looked with lust before? If you have broken just these four of the Ten Commandments, you are a liar, a thief, a blasphemer and an adulterer. Because you have broken God’s Law, you deserve to be punished. That punishment is Hell, should you stay in your sins. The Good News is that Jesus died on the cross for you and then rose from the grave. And because of what He did, you can be Pardoned of your sins, Reconciled to God so you can have a relationship with Him, Empowered to live a Holy Life and be Granted Eternal Life in the end. You must Repent of your sins (confess and forsake them) and put your Faith in Jesus Christ. Friend, you WILL die someday and that day could be today! Won’t you consider your eternity? http://www.onemillionameros.com/’
Link: http://www.gospeltract.org/amero.html & http://www.pinpointevangelism.com/
Now for some updates!:
(Steven’s update)
Two of the past several weeks, we had the opportunities to go soul-winning with a couple of different teams, so we took advantage of that, but it meant we got home too late to keep you all up to date on the soul-winning stories, though we hope and pray that God has been using you all too!
Two Thursday evenings ago, we got to lead a group of newer soul-winners and share the gospel together and encourage one another ~ that was a blast! My friend and I got to talk to a quasi-atheist and then a Jewish girl (Sarah) and her 4 lesbian friends… very interesting conversations… got to plant seeds and pray for them.
Two Friday evenings ago, the Florida Music Festival was downtown Orlando, and that allowed for some very interesting conversations! We realized later that the majority of the people down there were already focused on God (or at least some version of spirituality) and so that made things easier in that they were already on the subject of eternity ~ : ). Brittany and I had a number of good conversations. We talked with a few artists at the festival and gave them some gospel tracts. They seemed to be somewhat interested in the conversation, but they were more interested in doing what they wanted to do, but we got to plant some spiritual seeds ~ : ). Then there was the very interesting conversation with a girl outside another bar. She is 22 and she has a life-threatening disease that will likely kill her before she turns 30, and she was in effect wanting to know why? Why the pain? Why diseases? She was also very interested in hearing our thoughts and our understanding of God’s Living Word. She would have probably talked longer, but her dad got her out of our conversation. We did get to show her that God still cares about her and challenge her that she needs to surrender her life to Jesus Christ. We can only pray for her and trust that God is working in her heart.
Last Friday evening was unusual too, but it was very good! It lightly sprinkled the whole evening, but Deanna had an umbrella and the rest of us had jackets, so that worked well. But the conversations were really neat! Deanna and I (Steven) talked with one guy and he wanted to blame God for His decisions, but at the end of the conversation seemed to be convicted and thinking, which is great. We’re praying for Him. Those are just a few of the stories.
Again – to everyone who prays for us: THANK YOU! Only in Heaven will we find out how God used our prayers and obedience to Him!
(Paul’s update)
I've got several great stories I wish I could share with you, but I've got to tell you about what happened today at work! I was sent on a service call this afternoon to wire up a microwave. So I arrived and got to work, and it wasn't until the end of the project that I found out why I was really there! :) The customer was a single middle-age woman, who is dealing with a number of health challenges and incompetent doctors and also a number of problems in her house - power failure (which Progress Energy was fixing while I was there) and water damage in the kitchen and general disorder of things in her house, etc. So at the end of my time there as I was getting ready to leave, she gave me some really nice compliments on my work and my manner and my family (Henry Electric). So I told her what I normally say when people compliment my work - that we are a Christian family and that we do our work to honor God. She told me that she already could tell that! I already knew she was a Christian as well from her conversation on the phone with a friend earlier, so I was just waiting for this conversation to happen!
So we talked a little about her situation, and in the next few minutes of conversation, God gave me three things from His Word to share with her that really encouraged her. 1) Trust God and allow him to teach you through the difficult trials; 2) Perfect love casts out all fear, so as you pursue the love of God more deeply, it will drive out your fears; 3) She goes to a church that really focuses on emotion and asking for the Holy Spirit as the solution to problems, so I pointed out that you don't get more or less of the Holy Spirit by asking for it, but the more you get rid of barriers in communication with God and ask God in faith for what you need, you receive answers to that. These things made really, really good sense to her, and she really appreciated them. I really wanted to also warn her that her TV was a hindrance to her because it clearly was, but I couldn't figure out how to say it, so I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict her of her sin. But I was thrilled at how encouraged she was! She gave me a hug and told me how God had sent me and one other person in the last couple of days to encourage her on those things, so she would be able to keep going! As I walked out the door, she said that God had blessed her through me today, so I was glad for that!
Thank you again for your prayers. We are praying that God keeps using and training each of you!
Your friends, fellow prayer partners and laborers in the harvest,
David and Barbara, Steven and Paul ~ The Henry Family