150,000 People Will Die Today

'Way of the Master' Transformed Conference

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Living Waters Ministries

Free ~ 30 booklets of the Gospel of John

Hello, my name is Steven Henry and in case you didn't already know about it, the site below allows you to sign up for free and get 30 booklets of the Book of John for free. They are great for handing out to people. I just present that for your consideration. ~ your friend and a servant of Christ, Steven : ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Pocket Testament League

Friday, August 17

'See You At The Pole' ~ 2007

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." ~ John 17:20-23

It's tough being a Christian student today. We're forced to make a lot of choices about who we are, and who we're not. We're supposed to be deciding on our future, when the present is hard enough to deal with.

We have a lot of dividing lines drawn for us. They're invisible, but we see them clearly every day. The grade we're in, the kind of grades we make, overachievers, underachievers, geniuses, slackers. The groups we hang with--jocks, preps, goths, sk8rs, gamers, or geeks. As a Christian, the church we attend, how we pray, the way we worship, and how we interpret the Bible. And yeah, even in 2007 race can still divide. Many of us are asking, "Where do I belong? Who cares about me? Why don't I fit in?"

See You at the Pole™ isn't about groups, grades, clothes, or churches. It's about praying. It's about all of us coming together and laying aside all the labels for one day, simply to call out to God, just as Jesus did in John 17 and say, "Lord, may we be one in you--whether jocks, preps, geeks, Pentecostals, Baptists, Catholics, freshmen, or seniors--may the world believe that You are real and have sent us to touch other through you, regardless of the dividing lines drawn by a broken world!"

So are you in? Are you ready whatever group you're in, to join us in the circle? Join your generation of faith on Wednesday, September 26, at 7 a.m., GATHER at your school flagpole, UNITE in the name of the One Who died to save you, and PRAY for your school, friends, and families. COME TOGETHER, just as Jesus prayed we would.


Monday, August 6

Have you heard? : )

Hey, a curious question ~ Have you heard of 'Way of the Master'? Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron (leaders of this ministry) have committed their lives to training people how they can effectively share the gospel with those around them - friends, family, strangers... anybody. They have for years been studying how Jesus talked to people and they have worked on a general method of how we can follow in the footsteps of the Jesus, our Master. They have a very inspiring audio message entitled 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' - http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Ray_Comfort/. If and/or when you listen to it, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it!ttyl, your friend anda servant of Christ, Steven : )

Thursday, August 2

Hello, my name is Steven Henry,

I live just north of Orlando, FL. I play acoustic guitar...

My main emphasis in life (as well as my family's) is to talk to everyone around us and tell them about Jesus and how they can have an active, daily relationship with Him!

Curious, have you heard of 'Way of the Master'? Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron (leaders of this ministry) have committed their lives to training people how they can effectively share the gospel with those around them - friends, family, strangers... anybody. They have for years been studying how Jesus talked to people and they have worked on a general method of how we can follow in the footsteps of the Jesus, our Master. They have a very inspiring audio message entitled 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' - http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Ray_Comfort/...

If and/or when you listen to it, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it!

~your friend, and
a servant of Christ, Steven : )

The Good Test

Are you a good person?

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